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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

AAN 2013 - Update on Conference!

Sorry it's taken me awhile to get to blogging. Things have been a bit crazy with my schedule! I hope everyone is enjoying the coverage so far! I'm still hearing around that Tecfidera (BG-12) will have it's approval by the end of this month, so make sure to keep an eye out for that information.

So what are you wanting to hear most about at this conference? I know a lot of the talk is surrounded around BG-12, Alemtuzumab & Stem Cell... Hopefully we can bring more coverage on that as the week goes on, but is there anything besides those three topics that you are wanting to know more about? I'm going to see if there is any follow-up information in regards to the clinical trial on Copaxone taken every other day, that I blogged about at ECTRIMS last year.

Today... I'm hoping to make my rounds in the Exhibit Hall some more, where I get to go to all different booths from pharma companies & organizations. I will try and gather as much information as I can from each booth and blog about it... Also, hopefully a video blog, if there are some good diagrams to go over.

I did learn some more about Aubagio (Teriflunomide) yesterday... so I will update everyone on that when I have more time to sit down and discuss the details.

Oh - and keep your questions coming! I'm gathering them all up and I will try and get them answered during this week, if I don't get around to getting them all answered, we still have two more conferences this year (CMSC & ECTRIMS)... so no worries on that. If you haven't already, e-mail your questions to w/ the Subject Heading as "Question for Conference", so I don't miss it!

I can say that San Diego has PERFECT weather... having MS w/ the heat intolerance and all! You can tell I'm not used to the weather when I'm walking around "bundled" up when it's under 70 outside! lol

Make sure you are keeping up w/ the videos we are posting in the Conference Center... here is the link:

Oh - and before I sign off for now, check out

Really neat tool for patients with MS. Oh and if you haven't checked out MSAA's website in a while, they've updated it! There is now: 

Well - Hopefully I will get to post more soon... I just want to go check out the Exhibit Center again before we do some more recording!

Hope everyone has a good day!


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Welcome to AAN & Brain Health Fair 2013

Well today was the first "official" day of the 2013 Annual Meeting! I had A LOT of fun at the Brain Health Fair! I, of course, have to be a "little" bit of a problem... they have "neuro exams" in the exhibit hall... so I would go up to random "neuro exam" tables ( a lot of the people doing these exams, were students mind you ) so, when they noticed that my "exams" were abnormal, you could see they wanted to say something but I couldn't hold a straight face, and finally fessed up that I have MS.

So... the BIG thing that happened today was the "Update on MS" with Dr. Aaron Miller.... Basically he went over the basics of MS and it's Disease Modifying Therapies (DMTs)... So... Something I know that we are ALL wondering is about BG-12... well here is some info... the "official" name of BG-12 is Tecfidera. On another note... we SHOULD have approval by the end of the month... that's what the word is right now.

But also remember - there are medications still in the pipeline that we are going to want to watch and hear more about... like Lemtrada aka Alemtuzumab, Peg-INF, etc. And don't forget about all the "approved" medications for treatment that are "new" like Aubagio (teriflunomide).

I have gotten some questions sent in for me to ask during this conference - so if you want me to write down some of your questions to try and get answered during this conference, e-mail them to: - and make the Subject: Question for AAN - that will help me find the question(s) and get them written down.

Now some info I learned on Tecfidera (BG-12) it has like a 50% reduction rate in relapses... it's also a Twice-a-Day pill. The side-effects are mild (headache, nausea, drowsiness, etc.) So make sure to keep checking in to the Conference Center under the AAN2013 Area for updates for the week!

It's been a long day - and I need to relax for a bit! But I gotta say, I'm loving being in San Diego! I can see Petco Park Field from my hotel window! Too bad the Padres aren't playing!

I'll try and post soon!


Entrance to the Gas Lamp District in San Diego, CA